DIY - Mint Air Freshener

When we moved into our home the first plant we noticed growing out of control was the mint.  Of course my first thought was - 'Yes! Mojitos all summer long!'  Since then, I've found mint can be used for many great things besides a cool refreshing cocktail.  And since being pregnant last summer and now nursing our daughter, mojitos have been put aside for the time being.

So what do we use our mint for?
Our favorite way of using it is for the fresh scent to keep the air smelling clean and to repeal the country critters (mice, mosquitos, etc.).  Thanks to this blog post by Intimate Weddings - I've create a hanging mason jar base to hang in the mud room entrance of our home.  Supplies are simple; a mason jar of your choice, flexible wire, pliers, a hammer and nail to hang it - and of course, your choice of plant or flower!


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